2008年10月15日 星期三

The Economist: Finland/World telecoms: Qualms with music

From The Economist
Published: October 06, 2008

Cross-subsidised subscriptions offer a promising new model—if the sums add up.

IT IS a gift that keeps on giving—for a year, at least. Starting in Britain this month, buyers of some handsets made by Nokia will be able to download as much digital music as they like. The handsets, starting with a model costing £130 ($230), are bundled with a year's free online-music subscription, called "Comes With Music" (CWM), launched on October 2nd. You can download music, and listen to it, on both the handset and your PC. Once the subscription expires at the end of the year, you can still listen to the tracks.

Nokia's new handsets are sure to appear under many Christmas trees this year. The offer of unlimited downloads will appeal to teenagers; and parents will not have to worry about their children getting caught downloading music illegally, or spending a fortune at online music-stores. But CWM and similar subscription services are also being touted as a potentially life-saving gift to the ailing music industry. That is because they cleverly reconcile the demands of teenagers, who think music should be free, with those of record companies, which want to make money.

The world's biggest handset-maker has pulled this off by acting as a go-between: it licenses music from the four major labels and some independent record firms at a discount, tags some of the cost onto the device's purchasing price and absorbs the rest itself. Such a deal is made possible by a convergence of interests. Sales of digital music are growing, but not fast enough to offset falling sales of CDs, partly because of internet piracy (see chart). Record companies are realising that their efforts to get young music fans to pay up are not working. Many are unwilling, or unable, to pay for downloads, and legal action results in bad publicity. So something new is needed. Nokia, for its part, wants to move beyond hardware, and considers music a way to kick-start Ovi, its new initiative to offer a range of mobile-internet services.

Both camps also have a common interest in reining in Apple, the computer-maker that dominates digital music with its iTunes download service and iPod music-players. At the moment, record labels have to accept Apple's terms. A strong rival service from Nokia could strengthen their negotiating hand. As for Nokia, it hopes to catch up with iTunes and defend its core market against Apple's iPhone handset.

CWM is the most prominent example of a wider trend. Other companies have also started to combine their offerings with similar "all you can eat" music subscriptions. TDC, a Danish telecoms operator, has bundled such a service with its broadband connections. Orange, a European mobile operator, has launched Musique Max, which combines unlimited music downloads with a mobile-broadband service for €12 ($17) a month. And Sony Ericsson, another handset-maker, is planning to launch an unlimited music service called "PlayNow plus", which will be offered to consumers via mobile operators.

Will this new model work? For the record labels CWM is likely to be a good deal. If they receive, as some analysts have estimated, a total of €4 ($5.60) per handset per month (about half the cost of all-you-can-eat subscription services on the internet) and Nokia sells 5m CWM handsets, the additional income would add up to €240m ($338m)—equivalent to more than 1% of global recorded-music sales in 2007 and 12% of the digital business. The potential market is far bigger: last year Nokia sold 146m phones that can play music.

But Paul Jackson of Forrester, a market-research firm, worries that Nokia will end up overpaying. The firm has not released details of its agreement with the record companies, but it is said that they will receive a fixed fee per handset, have been guaranteed a large number of handset sales, and will receive additional fees once a subscriber exceeds a certain number of downloads. So the promise of "unlimited" music is actually subject to a "fair use" limit, beyond which access will be cut off.

The economics of CWM will become clearer when Nokia reveals what exactly will happen after the 12 months of free downloads are over. The company hopes that most owners will simply buy a new CWM handset, says Elizabeth Schimel, the head of Nokia's music business, since teenagers like to be seen with the latest model. (CWM could thus encourage people to upgrade their handsets more often than they otherwise would have.) But customers will also be offered the chance to switch to Ovi's paid-for music service.

The cost of that service will indicate the extent to which Nokia is underwriting the free CWM service. The level of subsidy will also determine how long CWM will remain in its current form. At the moment, Nokia's priority is to get Ovi off the ground. But over time, the firm's willingness to absorb some of the cost of a music subscription may well diminish, says Mark Mulligan of Jupiter, another market-research firm. Either the labels will have to make do with less, or other firms, such as the mobile operators, will have to pitch in. Consumers are unlikely to contribute much, simply because they will refuse to: take-up of subscription-based music services has been disappointing so far.

Even if the sums do add up, the new model may face other problems. To start with, the services will be available in only a few countries and will not compete directly: CWM in Britain (and, perhaps, India soon), Musique Max in France and PlayNow plus in Sweden. But as these services spread and start to compete, consumers may object to the fact that they are not compatible with each other. Next, record labels may have second thoughts about appearing to allow other firms to give away their wares—even if they are, in fact, paid for behind the scenes. Subsidised subscriptions will only strengthen the widely held belief that music should be free. "They are another step in the commoditisation of music," says David MacQueen of Strategy Analytics, a consultancy.

That said, unlimited music services could help to reduce piracy, by making it unnecessary. With services such as CWM, "the person with a hard-drive with 60,000 stolen files is all of a sudden deeply uncool, as other people have access to everything," says Rob Wells, a senior executive at Universal, the world's biggest record company and the label that is most keen on CWM. But they could also undermine people's willingness to pay for CDs and music downloads from iTunes and other online stores, as avid consumers of music switch to unlimited, free services instead.

"CWM is almost too good for its own good," says Jupiter's Mr Mulligan. The impact of such services is uncertain; there are many details still to be worked out; and even then they will not solve all of the industry's problems. But they are potentially a big step forward.

2008年7月18日 星期五

Reading: 人 + 藝術 + 科技 = 悠閒逛東京

數位時代雜誌 2008 七月號 P.164

東京中城 U 化藝術導覽最照顧觀光客


為什麼本來應該要完全放鬆的旅行,還被導遊催促著「快一點」?如果租用東京中城(Tokyo Midtown)提供的U化藝術導覽服務,就沒有人會催促你。不僅如此,這位導遊會說日、英、中、法、韓五種語言,自動感測你的位置,當你走到一項藝術品旁邊時,它就會提供相關資訊,包括藝術家的問候。這麼完美的導覽員,不是真人,也不是機器人,而是U化藝術導覽(ubiquitous art tour)。

這項技術是以 ucode 晶片,透過東京中城五百個收發器(ubiquitous marker),利用紅外線與無線區域網路(LAN),讓終端器(ubiquitous communicator)可以接收相關的資訊,然後使用者以專用的終端器進行藝術導覽。管理東京中城的三井不動產東京中城事業部經理市川俊秀表示,這項科技的應用不僅使用在東京中城的U化藝術導覽,並廣泛使用在東京中城內工作的管理。例如從業人員與警衛人員可以透過終端器,了解各樓層的使用情形與巡邏狀態,隨時保持安全的環境。





這項令人讚嘆的U化藝術導覽系統為坂村健(Ken Sakamura) YRP研究所(YRP UNL)協助東京推動U化計畫中的一個項目,未來將會拓展到東京觀光客較多的觀光據點,包括銀座、上野動物園等地,讓外國觀光客以慢遊更深入了解東京。

2008年6月28日 星期六

Facebook 創辦人被控剽竊創意案 正式落幕

(路透舊金山 26 日電 中央社 翻譯)

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg speaks at the Web 2.0 summit in San Francisco, California, October 17, 2007. REUTERS/Kimberly White

根據今天公佈的法院文件,Facebook今天同意支付金額不明的現金及股票,就有關創辦人祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg )是否剽竊哈佛大學同學創意、纏鬥已久的訴訟案,進行和解。

根據這份法院文件,本案各方2月達成一項暫時性協議。羞赧但身價數十億美元的24歲企業家祖克柏,遭哈佛大學同學及曾可望入選美國奧運划船隊的卡麥隆溫克勒佛斯( Cameron Winklevoss )及泰勒溫克勒佛斯(Tyler Winklevoss )兄弟指控剽竊創意。


加州北區地方法院法官華倫(James Ware)今天駁回這些指控,並判決這項和解是可行的,並命令此案相關各方7月2日出庭,以決定如何執行這項協議。

Facebook 原本的線上版本是給哈佛大學大一新生的照片介紹,讓他們更熟悉同學。過去四年,Facebook 允許網友與特定友人分享私密資料,在全球受到爆炸性歡迎,蔚為風潮。

指控的關鍵在於祖克柏大二時,受雇於溫克勒佛斯兄弟及第三名合夥人為「哈佛聯結」 (Harvard Connection)網站撰寫程式,祖克柏被控剽竊他們的創意來創立 Facebook。

透過這份和解,Facebook 實際上同意以現金與普通股,併購哈佛連結改組之後的公司 ConnectU。哈佛連結由溫克勒佛斯兄弟及合夥人納蘭德拉(Divya Narendra)所創辦。

和解條件密而不宣,溫克勒佛斯、納蘭德拉及 ConnectU 同意不再提起告訴。法院同意不透露和解的財務條件。

2008年6月5日 星期四

Studio A 要週年慶了

Studio A

今天到東區的松仁路辦英簽, 下午順道就到 apple 的 Studio A 逛逛。不過, 我發現我來太早了, Studio A週年慶是從 6 月 7 日才開始, 今天都沒甚麼折扣 :(
雖然如此, 還是幫 ipod nano 選了一個掛式皮套, 才離開 Studio。

2008年5月31日 星期六

News: 強化競爭力 亞馬遜將推出串流影像服務


(路透洛杉磯 28 日電)

全球最大網路零售商亞馬遜網路商店(Amazon.com Inc)執行長貝若斯(Jeff Bezos)今天表示,亞馬遜未來幾週內將推出串流影像服務(streaming video service),以擴大其數位產品範圍。

貝若斯在聖地牙哥以北由「華爾街日報」(Wall Street Journal)舉辦,為期三天的數位論壇(D:All Things Digital)會議上,並未詳述該服務內容,亞馬遜發言人也未提供更多資訊。

位於西雅圖的亞馬遜網路商店近來致力於加強數位媒體產品,以增加與蘋果公司(Apple Inc)的競爭力。蘋果的iTunes音樂下載服務廣受歡迎,在數位媒體產品界保有龍頭地位。



News: 瞄準上億商機 台灣樂天開站








2008年5月16日 星期五

bnext: 教導台灣店家,打破低價迷思





